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With a reverence for autumn and the plants associated with it, Botanical Anthology: Autumn 2022 is now available.  


It is a seasonal, plant centered digital magazine bringing you over 45+ articles from 30 contributors to help you incorporate herbs in your apothecary, kitchen, harvests, crafts, celebrations and more


*Learn how to build + use a home apothecary

*Forage autumn olives, burdock root + mushrooms

*Create your own seasonal body oil, bone broth + coffee

*Test your knowledge on fall berries + kitchen spices

*Develop rituals + routines for the season ahead

*Dye with seeds, draw echinacea + felt acorns

*Celebrate Mabon + Samhain with simple observances


This publication is comprised of 6 subsections: 







We also have many fun features throughout the publication.  

Take a peek at the images to see the full table of contents!


Let us be your guide to work with plants as you journey through this autumn season.  


Thank you for your purchase!  Download and dive right in! 


PLEASE READ Important Notes BEFORE Purchasing your Copy:

-This is a digital download and you will not be receiving a physical product.  After completing your purchase you can download it immediately from the checkout screen or from the link in the email that will automatically be sent to you.  Once you download the magazine, you should be able to find it in your Downloads folder in My Documents.

-You do NOT need a PayPal account to complete your purchase.  Once you hit the PayPal button on the checkout screen, it will offer you an option to use a credit or debit card.

-The publication is a large size so you may need to ensure a strong internet signal and download it onto your computer.  You may need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the magazine. 

-Refunds an unavailable for technical difficulties that are controlled on the purchasers end.  


Using this Publication: 

-In the upper left corner of the PDF reader, there is a button with 3 dots and lines.  Click on it to have thumbnails shown along the left side of the document for easier scrolling.  

-Also at the top right of the PDF reader , you will find a button to type in the page number you would like to read.  Once you hit enter, it will take you down to that article.  After you've finished reading your intended article, you can zip back to the Table of Contents by typing in the number 6 or 7..

-Click on the "page view" option along the top middle of the PDF reader and choose "two page" to read this publication just like a magazine!


*For personal use only. Do not distribute.*

*Not intended for medical advice. Always consult your physician.*


Sourcing herbs:

-Search for a local natural foods store or food coop as they are likely to have a bulk section where you can choose the size to purchase.

-Moutain Rose Herbs, Oregon Wild Harvest & Starwest Botanicals sells herbs in 4oz and 1lb bags.  Frontier Coop sells 1lb bags.

-Find an herb farm near you.




Botanical Anthology: Autumn 2022

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