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Breathe Easy Spiced Milk

herbal infusion

Breathe Easy Spiced Milk

This is an excerpt from the article Cinnamon, More than One Spice by Brighid Doherty featured in the Autumn edition of Botanical Anthology. A plant lover’s dream, it is a seasonal, plant centered quarterly publication bringing you over 50 articles from 49 contributors to incorporate herbs in your apothecary, kitchen, foraging and gardening, crafts, and celebrations.

To learn more about the similarities and differences between the two types of cinnamon plus their medicinal qualities check out our autumn edition. This herbal magazine, featuring remedies and recipes with medicinal plants for budding herbalists, can be purchased as a digital version here and as a printed version here.

Breathe Easy Spiced Milk

Breathe Easy Spiced Milk

This infusion is a nourishing combination of mullein, cinnamon, milk and honey that supports lung health. Whether the lungs have been exposed to excessive smoke or air pollution or experience chronic asthma, allergies, bronchitis or coughs, this remedy will help them function better. All of the ingredients soothe and nourish lung tissue. Mullein is a classic lung tonic herb. Cinnamon is warming, soothing and antimicrobial. Milk soothes lung tissue and provides important minerals allowing them to be calm. Honey sweetens and adds anti-microbial and soothing properties to the beverage.


½ oz mullein leaves

2 c water, boiling hot

2 tbsp cinnamon chips or 2 quills

1-2 teaspoon each of cloves, cardamom, ginger, fennel seeds, optional

2 c organic whole milk or half and half

1 tbsp or more honey

1 quart mason jar and lid

Unbleached coffee filter paper and ceramic drip cup or fine mesh strainer

Small sauce pot

Add mullein and boiling water to a quart mason jar and cover with a tight lid. Steep for 4-8 hours.

Strain the infusion into a small sauce pot. Add the milk, cinnamon and other desired spices. Simmer gently for 20-40 minutes.

Strain out the cinnamon and spices. Sweeten with honey to your preference. Pour into the quart jar to store.

Drink at least one cup per day. Enjoy warm or cold.

Store mullein infusion in the fridge for up to 1 week. Once the milk has been added it should be consumed within three days.


Mullein leaves have fine hairs that have the potential to irritate the throat when consumed. To avoid the hairs, mullein infusion is best strained through a fine mesh or unbleached coffee filter.

Premixed chai blends can be used instead of using cinnamon alone, or you can make your own spice blend.

Brighid is a mother, gardener, herbalist, educator, podcaster, and author living on a bridged island in Maine. She is founder of The Solidago Herb School, The Healthy Herb Podcast, and author of Drinkable Healing Herbal Infusions. Connect with her @solidagoherbschool and

For educational purposes only. Not intended for medical advice. Always consult your physician.

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